Saturday 5 November 2011

Doubtful Sound Trip

It has been awhile since my last post, so far everything is going good at my high school down here.  I have began teaching more and learning the art of drinking tea and eating biscuits, those are cookies down here, classic Americans not knowing that.  This weekend we made a trip over to Doubtful Sound, we originally were planning on going to Milford Sound, but we are saving that for another weekend so we can do a kayaking trip through it, cause you know I will take any excuse to get my David Hasselhoff on.

So we left Alex around 5:30pm and reached Lake Manapouri around 8:30pm.  By this time we have already traveled through snow and wind to get there, even though it is about to get into their summer season down here.  We found a place that I will call quaint, when in actuality I mean someone has most likely been murdered or had a Stephen King book based off of it.  We all shared a small cabin, which allowed me a chance to remember the days of sleeping on a bunk bed.

After we got settled in, we went next door to the bar where they were having a Guy Fawkes celebration, which consisted of a huge bonfire, fireworks, and a random hawaiian dancer.  It was a pretty fun night, we called it a night early so we could get up the next morning for the Doubtful Sound  tour.  The next morning we woke up, jumped on the bus the company picked us up in.  We quickly realized that we were the youngest people on the tour.  The tour was really cool, unfortunately the weather was not the greatest.  There was a lot of fog and snow throughout the day.  Actually while going thru the mountains to get to the boat, we got stuck.  The driver got out to put chains on the tire, luckily I had have seen episodes of Ice Road Truckers, so I knew exactly what he was doing.

Once we moved thru the mountains we got onto a boat that took us through a 3 hour tour of Doubtful Sound.  Even with the weather not the greatest it was really cool.  I will put some pictures at the end of this post.  After the tour, we went back to a scene out of the Shining, or as we referred to it, where we were staying for the night, and relaxed for a bit.  We then went back to the bar next door for dinner and played a little pool.  All in all it was a pretty good night.  The next morning we woke up and made our way back home.  Along the way we were able to see unbelievable views of mountains and lakes that we missed on our way up, due to the snow and fog.

We are now back at home unpacking and getting ready for the next week of teaching.  Not sure what the plan is for next week, but if we travel somewhere I will try to write a post about it.

This is Alex Higginbotham once again saying, "If I am gonna cutloose, or footloose, I would rather take off my Tuesday shoes."