Wednesday 19 October 2011

First Day in New Zealand

After the long 28 hour travel day, I was happy to get off the plane for good.  To my surprise I did not need to medicate myself, to the degree I thought I would, which looks similar to the cinema classic "Weekend at Bernie's."  Coming into the final airport, in Queenstown, we went through different canyons of mountains, if I wasn't sweating and scared we were gonna crash, I may have enjoyed that part a little more.  Once we got off the plane, the first view you see is amazing, I will try to post a picture of it soon.  You looked directly into a huge mountain, with snow still on top.
Once we got into the airport we met up with Mick, a kiwi, see how I used that term there?, who works for the primary school.  He took us around a few of the cities, bought us lunch, and managed to show us one person bungee jumping.  We finally arrived at our new house around 4pm here.  The school was nice enough to give us a gift basket and drinks.  We spent the rest of the day unpacking and going to bed early.
Today the plan is start traveling the next few days.  We are not sure which city we are going to start in, but for Saturday and Sunday we will be staying in the city of Dunedin.  This weekend should be pretty exciting, the Rugby World Cup Final is Sunday night, which New Zealand is playing in.  Everywhere around the country you see flags and shirts for the All Blacks, the national team.  Well I am going to go get ready and figure out where we are going to be traveling this weekend.

This is Alex Higginbotham, saying keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars. -courtesy of the great Casey Kasem.

This is a picture of the view stepping off the plane.

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